with strong flavours

a curious recipe, worth perfecting by juggling the amounts of each ingredient ... this version is modeled on one I learnt from Elena when I worked at Yelza.
for one or two people:

pasta: either linguine or bavette
olive oil
4 - 6 anchovy fillets, cut small
2 cloves garlic
half a red onion, finely diced, soaked in red wine for a half to one hour
a handful of pine-nuts, toasted
a handful of currants
finely chopped parsley
parmesan cheese, shaved or grated

put the pasta on to cook in salted water.

Over lowish heat, cook the anchovies and garlic in olive oil until garlic starts to colour. Add onions and red wine, sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Add currants. When red wine has reduced (to a kind of syrupy consistency), add pine-nuts and half the parsley. Set aside until the pasta is done. Return to heat, add drained pasta, remaining parsley, half of the parmesan, oil to lubricate, if needed. Fold all ingredients through pasta thoroughly. Serve with additional parmesan to garnish, if needed.

the dish is called (in Italian) 'pasta i sapori forti' - pasta with strong flavours. The combination is a subtle and nourishing thing.

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