more! from the broadway markets

once again, the lure of the market pulls me on a saturday morning, but
this time lucky enough to have Petra visit from Figures for a weekend
of eats and constant treats! yeah.

the booty we schlepped back from the market;
english cox apples (usually hate them in australia - always mushy, but here so crisp and complex and just delicious)
apple-pear juice
spelt bread
olives stuffed with garlic
daikon root
broad beans (so sweet...)

goats cheese-loggins, moulded like a blue cheese

and what we whipped up:

spelt bread with goats cheese, tapenade and harissa:

fennel salad: ( i think i've eaten this salad on average, like, 3 times a week for the last 10 years its my absolute favorite flavour....)
- 1 bulb fennel sliced really finely
- lemon zest (finely sliced rind of lemon)
- lemon juice
- sliced kalamata and green olives
- parsley
- olive oil
- sea salt and pepper

++whip up olive oil with lemon juice, zest, S&P 
++ add the fennel, olives and parsley
++ mix and serve!


we also sauted black-kale with:

++ shallots in olive oil, sauteded til soft and golden
++ add some salt and pepper and more olive oil
++ add in some fresh fresh sweet braod beans (i like them double shelled but petra likes them this recipe has single shelled beans), cook up quickly
++ add in ripped up black-kale (i take out the stalks coz they are hard to chew)
++ then add some freshly chopped tomatoes and a bit more olive oil, cook a tiny bit more til it looks good to eat

1 comment:

Annie Wu said...

goats cheese and cheese in general is so good here! i thought i couldn't digest it, but apparently not.